Open Fire
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.(1)Evening all, After some time refilling the energy cup, and patiently waiting for the galaxy to provide me with sufficient fuel to write...
Evening all, After some time refilling the energy cup, and patiently waiting for the galaxy to provide me with sufficient fuel to write...
Evening all, To start off today, a little insight into the madness factory for you. Most of the posts I've ever written and pushed to...
Evening all, This will be quite a personal post. Caution for those experiencing their own traumas, you may want to skip this and await...
Evening all, I arrived home last week to the Great Brown Southern Mudpie hideously jetlagged, and recovering from a nasty cold/flu/alien...
Evening all, Just a short one today as it's Sunday night in the land of my ancestors, and I'm in a pub (only the one pint for me tonight ...
Evening all, I suspect that, for most people, the process by which misconduct decisions are made in universities is likely encapsulated...
Evening all, This afternoon one of my team provided the keys to today's post, but if I get picked up for driving erratically it's all on...
Good evening all, Last week I inadvertently set off a bit of a shitstorm (it's a gift that I have) when I tweeted the tweet below. In my...
Evening all, By way of explanation for no post, last week (and this) involved public holidays cutting off the week, so of course I had to...
Evening all, You may have noticed I think out loud a lot. Believe it or not I also think silently sometimes. One of the things I've been...
As promised, this is the second post for this week, following on from Tuesday's post . While mitigating circumstances are a slightly...
New year everyone, I would say happy but I haven't won lotto and so here I remain. Apologies also for the paucity of insane rants on the...
Kane goes on tour, has thoughts.
Evening all, Apologies for my absence. Frankly, it's been a bit of a shitstorm of this, that and the other, and I've struggled to garner...
Evening all, I'm currently enjoying the tender mercies of the Sydney rail network as I type, so bear with me. Also, apologies to...
Evening all, In April I presented at UC San Diego's virtual symposium on “The Threat & Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence and...
Evening all, Apologies for the break in service, but it's still better the train system in England, right? *Recent unfortunate events*...